Studying in India is more affordable than in Western countries, offering high-quality education at a lower cost. Tuition and living expenses in India are significantly cheaper than in the US, UK, or Canada.
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Planning to Study In Abroad
Admission requirement for studying abroad may vary depending on the university and program.
India's school education system is extensive and complex, governed by three national bodies: the All India Council for Technical Education, the University Grants Commission, and the National Council of Educational Research and Training. Additionally, each state has its own Department or Ministry of Education to manage school education locally.
The literacy rate for individuals aged seven and above stands at 74.04%, with male literacy at 82.14% and female literacy at 65.46%. In higher education, the Gross Enrolment Ratio (GER)—representing the percentage of 18-23-year-olds enrolled in higher education institutions—is 26.30%. India is home to over 700 universities and 37,000 colleges.